Nadia Everaert, Prof

Associate professor
BelgiumNutrition and Animal Microbiota EcoSystems, KU Leuven

Nadia Everaert was born in 1981 and obtained her Master in Bioscience Engineering in 2004 at KU Leuven (Magna cum laude) with a specialization in Agriculture (Animal Production). She obtained her PhD at KU Leuven in 2008, on avian embryonic development. During her post-doctoral fellowship, including an internship at the INRAE in Tours (France), she developed her molecular skills using birds as a model for fetal and nutritional programming. From October 2013 until September 2021, she was an associate professor at Liège University (Belgium), at the faculty Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (bioscience engineering). Since October 2021, she came back to KU Leuven as an associate professor, and is now heading the Nutrition and Animal-Microbiota EcoSystems (NAMES) lab. Her research focuses on nutrition and health in pigs and poultry, with an emphasis on the microbiota and intestinal health. The NAMES Lab investigates host-microbiota interaction and its impact on gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development through in vivo experiments and in vitro models to improve animal performance and health to make chickens and pigs more resilient to antigen and environmental stressors.

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