Isabelle Guelinckx

Executive Director ad interim
BelgiumILSI Europe

Isabelle Guelinckx is the Executive Director at International Life Science Institute (ILSI) Europe, Brussel, Belgium. She received her MSc and Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven, BE. To specialize in nutritional research she completed a second Master at the University Maastricht, NL and a professional Bachelor in Dietetics and Nutrition at the Catholic College Leuven, BE. During her doctoral thesis on obesity management during pregnancy, she acquired experience with different methods to assess dietary intake and physical activity, and lifestyle interventions to induce behavioral change.

After 10 years within academia, Isabelle jointed Danone Nutricia Research, Palaiseau, FR where she managed R&D projects, an R&D Team and closely collaborated with Marketing, Strategy & Insights department on worldwide Liq.in7 surveys. Isabelle has over 50 peer-reviewed publications. Since 2019 she joint ILSI Europe, as she stronly believes in the power of collaboration between industry, academic and the public sector. As a mother of 2 kids and partner of an ambitious man, she considers herself a very lucky woman.

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