Nutricourses project
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Leveraging real purchase data: insights from the Nutri-Score impact study in Hauts-de-France
October 1st – 9.30 – 10.30 am
To take part in this conference you must be registered for NutrEvent
As part of regional efforts to combat obesity and promote healthy eating, the Regional Health Agency “ARS Hauts-de-France” entrusted Eurasante/Clubster NHL with conducting the “Nutricourses Hauts-de-France” study. This observational research aimed to assess the impact of the Nutri-Score on consumer’s behaviors, drawing on the expertise of UniLaSalle Beauvais. It is one of the only studies regarding the impact of Nutri-Score conducted on large volumes of actual in-store purchase data.
The study’s two main focuses were understanding the perception of the Nutri-Score by consumers and industry stakeholders and evaluating its influence on food purchases and consumption trends. For this purpose, researchers at the UniLaSalle Beauvais engineering school conducted qualitative interviews with supermarket managers to gather their observations. They also developed and analyzed a detailed questionnaire addressed to supermarket customers, assessing their awareness and use of NutriScore according to their geographical and socio-economic profiles. In addition, Clubster NHL reached out to retail chains to gather real purchase data from Hauts-de-France supermarket customers. Relying of the data analysis expertise of UniLaSalle Beauvais, the project team carried out statistical analysis to study consequences of introducing the Nutri-Score on purchase choices.
In this conference, we will present the results of this innovative study, highlighting the key action points to encourage healthier food choices and reduce overweight and obesity rates in the region. Join us to discover the impact of the Nutri-Score and the prospects for more balanced eating habits in Hauts-de-France.
- Hinde Tizaghti, Nutrition, Diabetes and Obesity Coordinator, Regional Health Agency “ARS Hauts-de-France”
- Anne Kathrin Illner, Ph.D., Associate Professor in human nutrition, prevention and health, UniLaSalle Beauvais
- Lucie Lebrun, food and health engineer, UniLaSalle Beauvais
- Claire Boutonnet, agri-food engineer, Clubster NSL/Eurasanté
To take part in this conference you must be registered for NutrEvent
With the methodological support of:
Alicia Rosati
- Project Manager
- +33 (0) 328 555 011