Mobile applications and other digital technologies can enable nutrition companies to interact directly with their consumers. They can help tracking the use and benefits of supplements, as well as providing personal information and encouragement. To what extent do these developments impact the business models of dietary supplementation from product to service? How does it feed new data and ideas into R&D departments? More generally, how is the dietary supplement industry being digitised?
- 2:00 PM
- 3:30 PM
- Eléonore Lafonta, Associate, Five Seasons Ventures
- Roxane Bakker, Head Dietitian, Vitl
- Gilles Gernaey, Food Supplement Designer, Legisana
- Adrien Plecis, Founder & CEO, myNUMEA
- Nard Clabbers, Thought leader in personalised nutrition, NCNC Nutrition Consultancy
- Mathilde Hazon, R&D Manager, Nahibu