2024 Conference programme

Steered by a prestigious committee, NutrEvent offers a comprehensive programme dealing with the latest market trends and R&D innovations in Food, Human and Animal Nutrition. Structured around 3 tracks, the conference sessions bring together international experts to discuss current innovation stakes and provoke conversations that matter for players in food supplements, finished food products and animal nutrition.
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DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

The importance of dietary choices in disease prevention and health promotion is growing clear. More particularly, gut microbiome has been investigated by researchers as a key factor in many health aspects.

Besides the known effects on gut, how do microbiome interactions influence the rest of our metabolism and what are the main impacts? What are the latest scientific discoveries on gut microbiota? How can nutritional interventions targeting gut health mitigate chronic conditions and inflammation? How can we keep our second brain healthy and how can personalised nutrition participate in making the “food as medicine” approach a reality?


Moderator: Nard Clabbers, Thought leader in personalised nutrition, NCNC Nutrition Consultancy 

In this session, industry experts will analyse current trends and emerging opportunities in food and nutrition investment. Key trends, market dynamics, and regulatory considerations shaping the industry’s growth trajectory will be discussed.

What scientific innovations are driving investment interest and how do they address global health and sustainability challenges? What are the key factors influencing decisions in emerging areas such as functional foods, personalised nutrition, and sustainable agriculture? What are the implications of current trends for future investment opportunities and market dynamics in 2025?


Moderator: Ariane Voyatzakis, Innovation Manager, Ania

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise most sectors, and nutrition is no exception.
From the research and formulation of new ingredients, to helping consumers make the right nutritional choices by way of the food production processes, how is AI used in practice? Experts will address the challenges and opportunities in enhancing nutritional value and sustainability.

What scientific evidence supports the efficacy and safety of AI-driven innovations in improving nutritional outcomes and food sustainability? How is AI being leveraged to optimise food formulation and production processes, as well as to analyse complex nutritional data and predict optimal dietary patterns? When it comes to consumers, what innovative tools can assist their nutritional choices according to preferences as well as dietary requirements, and how is AI-driven advice received? What are the ethical and regulatory considerations associated with AI integration in nutrition and food production?

Moderator: Raphaelle O’Connor, Dr, Founder & Company Direction, inewtrition Ireland

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DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

Though botanicals have been used in various cultures for centuries, they have gained significant attention in the food supplement industry due to their claimed health benefits and natural origins, addressing consumer preferences for natural products and sustainable sourcing practices. Experts will discuss the use of novel botanical extracts, as well as considerations for efficacy, safety, and market acceptance.

What scientific evidence supports the health benefits of novel botanical ingredients? What challenges exist in sourcing and standardising botanical extracts for food supplements, and how can these challenges be addressed? What opportunities exist for innovation and differentiation in the botanical supplement market, and how can companies leverage scientific research to drive product development and market acceptance?

Moderator: Martin Ham, Business Development Manager, NIZO

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This session focuses on strategies to effectively communicate the scientific evidence supporting food supplements to consumers, fostering trust and acceptance. Experts will discuss methods for evaluating health benefits, generating market value, and delivering transparent communication of clinical studies and evidence-based claims.

What methodologies can be employed to assess the efficacy and safety of food supplements, particularly in preventive settings? How can companies effectively communicate scientific evidence to consumers and healthcare professionals to build trust and confidence? What role do regulatory frameworks and emerging technologies, such as blockchains and QR codes, play in validating health claims and ensuring transparency in supplement marketing? What strategies can companies employ to stand out in a competitive food supplement market while maintaining scientific integrity?

Moderator: Grégory Dubourg, Founder & CEO, Nutrikéo

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

A postbiotic is defined as a “preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host” by the ISAPP. As our understanding of the gut microbiome grows, so are the potential uses and applications of postbiotics.  This session will focus on the emerging science of postbiotics, health benefits, and safety considerations.

What are postbiotics, and how do they differ from probiotics and prebiotics in terms of health benefits and mechanisms of action? Do they outperform live probiotics in terms of technology, and safety? What scientific evidence supports the health benefits of postbiotics in promoting gut health, immunity, and metabolic function? How can postbiotics be incorporated into food supplements? What safety considerations and regulatory requirements apply to postbiotic-based products?

Moderator: Natanael Viñegra de la Torre, PhD, Project coordinator R&D&innovation, CNTA

Experts are increasingly pointing the gut microbiome as a key factor to live longer and healthier. This session will focus on the emerging research in this field and the potential applications in developing next-generation food supplements.

What scientific evidence supports the association between gut microbiome composition and healthy ageing, and what mechanisms underlie this relationship? How can microbiome-targeted interventions promote healthy ageing and prevent age-related diseases, such as cognitive decline and metabolic disorders? What challenges exist in developing food supplements that target the microbiome for healthy ageing? What role can dietary factors, such as fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics, play?

Moderator: Urbi Pathak, Research Associate, Lux Research

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DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

As the demand for plant-based and alternative protein sources continues to rise, food manufacturers are exploring new ways to meet consumer preferences for healthier and more sustainable food options.

What are the main drivers behind the growing consumer interest in alternative proteins, and how are food manufacturers responding to this demand? How does consumer awareness regarding ultra-processed foods influence purchasing decisions and product innovation in the food industry? What challenges do food manufacturers face in formulating tasty and healthy alternative protein products taking into account consumer budgetary constraints?


Moderator: Andrea Gutierrez-Solana, Director, Whitehouse Communications

Fermented foods have a long history of consumption and are known for their unique flavours, textures, and potential health benefits. This session will provide an overview of the state of fermented foods, examining the scientific evidence supporting their potential role in promoting gut health, immunity, and overall well-being.

What scientific evidence supports the health benefits of fermented foods and how can fermented foods be incorporated into a healthy and balanced diet, not to mention for individuals with specific dietary restrictions? How do fermentation processes affect nutritional content, taste, and shelf life? How do we effectively address the challenges related to safety and quality of fermented food, such as the control of microbial growth, spoilage prevention and foodborne illness minimisation?

Moderator: Paula Álvarez Ameijeiras, Business Development Director, Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

Plant-based foods have gained popularity as sustainable alternatives to animal-based ones, offering environmental benefits such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and land use.
What sustainable sourcing practices are food manufacturers employing to ensure the responsible production of plant-based substitutes? How do different plant-based sources compare in terms of environmental sustainability, nutritional content, and taste, and what factors influence their selection in food product formulation? What challenges exist in sourcing sustainable plant-based alternatives, such as supply chain transparency, traceability and cost, and how can these challenges be addressed? How can industry stakeholders collaborate to promote sustainable sourcing and increase consumer awareness of their environmental benefits?

Moderator: Ramin Ebrahimnejad, Business Development Manager, the Advanced Plant Growth Centre, The James Hutton Institute

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TRACK 3: animal nutrition innovation highlights

DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

Algae-based ingredients have gained attention for their potential applications in aquaculture and livestock production, offering sustainable and nutritionally rich alternatives to traditional feed sources.

What nutritional advantages do algae offer as feed ingredients, and how do they compare to conventional sources of protein? What differentiate microalgae and macroalgae nutritional interest and their application? What environmental benefits can be achieved by incorporating algae into animal diets? What challenges exist in the large-scale cultivation and processing of algae for animal feed, such as cost-effectiveness, scalability and regulatory approval, and how can they be addressed? What innovative processing techniques are being developed to optimise the nutritional composition and digestibility of algae-based feed ingredients, and how do they contribute to improved animal health and performance?

Moderator: Nico van Belzen, PhD, Director General, Science Consult

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

Prebiotics and probiotics have emerged as a promising strategy for improving the quality of animal nutrition, offering potential benefits such as enhanced nutrient absorption, immune function, and disease resistance in both feed and pet food.

What scientific evidence supports the benefits of pre- and probiotics for animals? How do companies select and formulate prebiotic and probiotic strains tailored to different animal species and production environments? How to ensure product quality and efficacy? What are the challenges in integrating pre- and probiotics into existing formulation, biosecurity protocols, and regulatory compliance?


– A review on usage, functionality and health benefits of soluble, insoluble and fermentescible fibers in pet nutrition. Examples with corn dextrin, pea hulls, potato pulp and pea internal fiber. (Laure Darras)


Moderator: Lethicia Magno, PhD, Innovation Project Manager, CMI Roullier


Eline Delcroix

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